
We can only speak to customers while they’re on our site shopping, but it just takes one strong interaction to change their mind. Reaffirm their decision by targeting your models offsite to the same users you spoke to utilizing retention, or help lead them to the right decision by targeting shoppers who viewed your competitive model set.

Media Specifications

Pages Offsite
Duration 3 month minimum
Share of Voice Standard, Non-exclusive: less than 100% of available impressions
Geography DMA
Ad Serving Third Party
Lead Time 5 business days
Frequency Capping

No frequency capping

Additional Notes

No fourth-party pixels or calls may be added to ad tags without the prior written consent of Cox Automotive. Advertiser and/or agency is expressly prohibited from collecting any data from Cox Automotive, including website data and user behavioral data, without the prior written consent of Cox Automotive.

Deliverable Specifications

Lightbox Details –

Message: Advertising copy to display in invitation and engaged states. No character limit, but use fewer than 35 characters for best visibility.

Message 2 (optional): Second line of copy to display in invitation and engaged states. The ad animates the transition between the two messages for up to 30 seconds.

Call to action: Copy on the call-to-action button in the engaged state, for example: “Buy now” must be 15 characters or less.

YouTube video (optional): Image shown in a gallery in the engaged Lightbox state. Add 1-10 images to a single gallery, and up to 10 image galleries per creative. Each Lightbox must include either 1 image gallery or 1 YouTube video.

Image specifications:

  • Supported file types: .gif, .jpg, or .png
  • Maximum size: 1024×1050 pixels
  • Maximum file size: 200 KB
  • Each image has a title, description, and optional landing page URL.

Logo: Logo image appears in invitation and expanded states. For best results, use a transparent image optimized for a good contrast on a semi-transparent background of 80% opacity black or white.

Image specifications:

  • Supported file types: .gif, .jpg, or .png
  • Minimum dimensions: 50×50 pixels
  • Maximum dimensions: 1024×1050 pixels
  • Maximum file size: 200KB



Deliverable Specifications

Native Specs Details –

Advertiser Name

  • Advertiser name to display in the creative
  • Maximum characters 25

Logo image (required)

  • Advertiser’s logo
  • Minimum size: 100 x 100 pixels
    Supported image file formats: jpg, png
    Maximum width/height: 2000 pixels
    Maximum file size: 1200 KB
    Aspect ratio: 1 : 1
    Color model: RGB (CMYK is not supported)​


  • Image to promote the advertiser’s product or service.
  • Minimum size: 1200×627 pixels
    Supported image file formats: jpg, png
    Maximum width/height: 2000 pixels
    Maximum file size: 1200 KB
    Aspect ratio: 1.91 : 1
    ​Color model: RGB (CMYK is not supported)​

Square image (optional)

  • A square, 1:1 aspect ratio image of the product or service.
  • If you upload this image, Bid Manager will generate a separate creative to support additional native inventory, appending “_square” to the creative using the square image, and “_rectangle” to the creative using the rectangular image.
  • Minimum size: 627×627 pixels
    Supported image file formats: jpg, png
    Maximum width/height: 2000 pixels
    Maximum file size: 1200 KB
    Aspect ratio: 1 : 1
    ​Color model: RGB (CMYK is not supported)


  • The headline to display in the creative.
  • Maximum 25 characters

Long headline (optional)

  • An alternate, longer version of the headline. This only appears in certain native layouts.
  • Maximum 50 characters

Body text

  • Body text describing the product or service
  • Maximum 90 characters

Long body text (optional)

  • An alternate, longer version of the body text describing the product or service. This only appears in certain native layouts.
  • Maximum 150 characters

Body text

  • Body text describing the product or service
  • Maximum 90 characters

Long body text (optional)

  • An alternate, longer version of the body text describing the product or service
  • Maximum 150 characters

Caption URL (optional)

  • A shorter, friendlier version of the landing page URL to display in the creative. This only appears in certain native layouts.
  • Maximum 30 characters

Landing page URL (third party ad servers only): For Google Ad Manager (formerly DCM)-linked advertisers, choose an active tracking ad in DCM. You should create the tracking ad before you begin setting up your native creative in Bid Manager. Only impression pixels/URLs are supported; JavaScript tags will not work. Learn how to set up tracking tags in Campaign Manager Help.

The landing page for the native ad will be derived from the landing page of the tracking placement.

Traditional 1×1/click trackers and Google Ad Manager (formerly DCM) event tags are not supported.

Impression tracking URLs (optional): The URL of one or more third-party impression trackers to call when the ad is displayed.

Maximum 1024 characters


Deliverable Specifications

Pre-roll Video Details –

Format: Bid Manager accepts video creatives in the following formats:

File types: .avi, .mov, .mp4, .m4v, .mpeg, .mpg, .oga, .ogg, .ogv, .webm, .wmv

VAST: Bid Manager supports the VAST 2.0VAST 3.0, and VAST 4.0 specifications. You can also use VAST wrappers, but we recommend limiting to only 2 wrappers to avoid issues with serving on exchanges.

VPAID: Bid Manager supports HTML5 VPAID using the VPAID 2.0 specification. Bid Manager does not support direct upload of VPAID creatives. VPAID creatives must be uploaded in DoubleClick Studio and synced through DoubleClick Campaign Manager. For third-party VPAID creatives, follow the instructions in the “Third-party VAST tags” section below.

Size: Video creatives hosted by Bid Manager can be up to 1 GB. Always upload a source file with the highest possible specifications you have available so that Bid Manager can transcode the asset into as many serving files as possible. However, individual exchanges may have different maximum file sizes, so plan accordingly.

Duration: Video inventory supports a variety of durations, such as:

  • Less than 15 seconds
  • 15 seconds
  • 20 seconds
  • 30 seconds
  • 60 seconds
  • At least 90 seconds

Aspect ratio: Bid Manager accepts video creatives with the following aspect ratios:

Landscape/horizontal videos must have an aspect ratio of 16:9 (for example, 640 × 360) or 4:3 (for example, 640 × 480).

Portrait/vertical videos must have an aspect ratio of 9:16 (for example, 360 × 640) or 3:4 (for example, 480 × 640).

Click-through URL: Make sure the creative has a click-through URL specified. Note that the click-through URL will be opened in a new window.

Third-party VAST tags: Bid Manager accepts third-party VAST tags containing VAST and VPAID creatives. Bid Manager wraps the tags according to the VAST 2.0, VAST 3.0, or VAST 4.0 specification based on the requirements of each individual exchange. This might result in some metrics specific to each version of VAST, such as skips offset for VAST 3.0 and VAST 4.0, not being available for a creative.


Deliverable specifications

Display details –

Technical requirements

  • Supported creative asset file types are: HTML, JS, CSS, JPEG, GIF, or PNG.
  • Duration of animated ads must be 30 seconds or less.
  • Ads must open in new tab or new window only.
  • You can upload high-density image assets up to twice the dimensions of your creative. Bid Manager will scale down the image based on the resolution of the device where it serves. Bid Manager will only scale the image into sizes with the same aspect ratio as the original asset. For example, if you’re making a 300 x 250 creative, you can upload a high-density image up to 600 x 500
  • Common creative dimensions
    • 160 x 600
    • 300 x 250
    • 300 x 600
    • 728 x 90
    • 300×50


  • Autoplay: Ads that autoplay audio are prohibited. (Ads that autoplay video are OK, as long as the audio is muted.)
  • Pop ups: Ads that spawn popups or surveys are prohibited.
  • Size: Image creatives hosted by Bid Manager can be up to 250 KB. There’s no file size limit for HTML5 .zip files, but if you have a linked DCM account, uploaded .zips can’t exceed the maximum image size set in the DCM account’s settings.
  • Download size: The total file size of all creative files downloaded by a person’s browser when an ad serves is limited to a maximum of 5 MB.
  • Cookies: A maximum of 25 cookies can be set per creative.
  • HTTP calls: A maximum of 100 HTTP calls are allowed per creative.

Please adhere to all other guidelines issued by the IAB.


Deliverable specifications

Mobile details –

  • Animation duration: Ads can only animate for 30 seconds or less.
  • Autoplay: Ads that autoplay audio are prohibited. (Ads that autoplay video are OK, as long as the audio is muted.)
  • Pop ups: Ads that spawn popups or surveys are prohibited.
  • File types: PNG, JPG, GIF, or HTML5.
  • Size: Creatives must be 150 KB or less on their initial load. Additional load must be “polite” and can’t exceed 2.2 MB.
  • Technology: Make sure that “Requires MRAID” is selected in the technology type of your creative on its individual details page if the creative is built specifically for mobile devices (requires tapping, swiping, or other mobile-specific interactions). Bid Manager supports all MRAID creative types, including MRAID 3D Cube rich media creatives.

Deliverable specifications

Mobile display –

  • Environment: Mobile web
  • Recommended creative type: HTML5 or static image
  • Inventory: all
  • Environment: Mobile app
  • Recommended creative type: HTML5, static image, or MRAID
  • Inventory: AppNexus, DoubleClick Ad Exchange, MoPub, Nexage
  • Environment: Mobile app interstitial
  • Recommended creative type: HTML5, static image, or MRAID
  • Inventory:, DoubleClick Ad Exchange, MoPub, Nexage, Rubicon

Deliverable specifications

Mobile video –

  • Environment: Mobile web
  • Recommended creative type: VAST (or VPAID)
  • Inventory: All
  • Environment: Mobile app
  • Recommended creative type: VAST (or VPAID)
  • Inventory:, BidSwitch, Brightroll, DoubleClick Ad Exchange, Improve Digital, MoPub, Nexage, SpotXchange
  • Environment: Mobile app interstitial
  • Recommended creative type: VAST (or VPAID)
  • Inventory:, DoubleClick Ad Exchange, MoPub, Nexage

Deliverable specifications

Common creative dimensions


  • Mobile Web: 300×250, 320×50, 250×250
  • App: 320×50 (most common), 320×480*, 300×250


  • Mobile Web: 300×250, 728×90, 160×600, 468×60
  • App: 728×90, 320×50, 300×250, 768×1024*

*Most common interstitial dimensions are: 320×480 and 768×1024