High customer confidence and low interest rates point to a happy 2016 for automakers

Future of Automotive Retailing

Topics covered include:
1) The future of personal mobility – analyzes the extent to which autonomous vehicle technologies become pervasive – focused on personal owned vehicles & shared mobility
2) Preparing for the future of mobility – capabilities in the future states of mobility

The most immediate and pressing challenge for automakers and dealers comes from the rise of pay-per-use transportation, which when mature could undermine a century-old business model built on selling cars to individuals and families.

Toyota Highlander Accelerator Key Takeaways:

Higher Engagement Rate on Highlander Accelerator (0.70%) than Benchmark (0.56%)

Strong video engagement; 65% Completed Video plays

Strong CTR on Mobile Compare & Consider Entry (CTR = 0.37%) and Landing Page (CTR = 2.00%)

Campaign increased top-of-mind awareness for Toyota Highlander

Highlander lifted mid-size utility vehicle traffic 3pts higher during the campaign period, compared to the pre-Accelerator period

Highlander share of traffic increased amongst all Toyota hub models and its competitive set

Based on cross-shopping, Highlander redesign has helped better define the competitive set in the eyes of the consumer

Study Objectives
1) Measure the usefulness of third-party automotive websites in terms of meeting the needs of consumers shopping for a new or used vehicle
2) Help website developers determine best practices used by third-party automotive websites
3) Quantify the relationship between site usefulness and a site’s ability to build loyal visitors and advocates for the site

Next Relevant J.D. Power Report Scheduled for: Get ready for the next release of the Automotive Mobile Site Study (AMS) which is tentatively set to begin fielding on 7/19/2016 (AMS Releases in October)

Visual Web, Minimalist Navigation Tools Drive Increases in Shopper Satisfaction with Third-Party
Automotive Websites, Says J.D. Power

Following are the key findings of the 2016 study:
1) Visual Web Influences Site Preference: The study finds that the highest-scoring third-party auto
websites employ heavy use of visual Web design elements such as edge-to-edge imagery, cleaner
spacing and aesthetically pleasing call-to-action colors.
2) Expert Reviews Must Cover the Basics: Content is king when it comes to satisfying shoppers on
third-party sites, which includes ratings and reviews. Shoppers indicate the most important
content to cover in an expert review is safety (38%), performance (24%) and functionality (11%).
3) Satisfaction Drives Loyalty and Advocacy: The study finds that 83% of highly satisfied shoppers
(overall satisfaction scores of 901 or higher) using third-party websites say they “definitely will”