KBB.com Video-survey
January 18, 2023
Survey results highlights:
1) People come to KBB.com to view auto-related videos
2) Those who have watched videos find KBB.com the most useful
3) What would make KBB.com videos better?
4) KBb.com is the first choice amongst those who watch auto-related videos
5) What would make KBB.com your first choice in auto video content?
6) Nearly 40% are aware of KBB.com video reviews
7) Lack of interest is an area of concern
8) People consume and view videos mostly on their computer
9) Auto-related video facts: a) people are willing to tolerate an average of 18 seconds of advertisement before skipping out on the video all together b) when in market for a vehicle, an average of 2 videos were viewed
10) Next to pricing, KBB.com users find consumer and expert ratings most useful
11) 43% of those who find expert ratings most useful, use KBB.com for auto-related videos