Access to qualified in-market shopper behaviors to target your audience and leverage data intelligence based on shopper behaviors

People who begin their search for a new car visit first to value their trade-in before beginning their search; OEMs will be able to leverage our data segments to reach those shoppers anywhere – expand reach of in-market audiences beyond

More Shopping Tools Module – Custom Compare is designed to not only capture and retain shoppers while they are in active search mode, but it also builds credibility and trust with its native look and feel.
This particular ad unit emphasizes the user’s natural inclination to research a particular model by featuring numerous key KPI links, maximizing opportunity to drive shopping actions. It also features’s Expert Rating,* among other useful data points, that are dynamic within the creative. *MSRP or Horsepower may be featured.

The intent of the template options enables advertisers to increase on-page relevancy, enhance performance, and differentiate the messaging.

The Latest Offers is a Native IAB template serves relevant vehicle based on Consumer Insights data.

Advanced TV (ATV) provides advertisers an opportunity to utilize Cox Automotive’s data to target consumers on OTT/CTV and/or Addressable TV and minimize wastage in marketing spend on ATV. We use actual in-market signals from highly engaged consumers on the largest endemic properties to deliver unique, actionable audience segments; hence increasing efficiencies and return on advertising spend. The data we provide and how we provide varies based on how the video content is consumed.

OTT/CTV: Offered as a managed service where Cox Automotive’s team programmatically purchases video ads by targeting consumers using Cox Automotive’s in-market audience. 

Addressable TV: Make available CAI Audiences to MVPDs to power campaigns for clients. MVPDs are multichannel video programming distributors – services that provide multiple television channels – such as cable or satellite television services.

Simplified Native serves to relevant audiences based on Consumer Insights data when ad server shows relevant CAMP client is available. When CAMP client is unavailable, it is backfilled through the personalization engine (powered by Consumer Insights data).

CAMP = Cox Automotive Marketing Partnership

Non-guaranteed inventory. On demand inventory/buying. Campaign management/trafficking supported on buy-side.

Leverage multiple tech integrations including: Google AdX, Pubmatic, Amazon, etc.

Pricing: CPM Floors