High customer confidence and low interest rates point to a happy 2016 for automakers
High customer confidence and low interest rates point to a happy 2016 for automakers
Visual Web, Minimalist Navigation Tools Drive Increases in Shopper Satisfaction with Third-Party
Automotive Websites, Says J.D. Power
Following are the key findings of the 2016 study:
1) Visual Web Influences Site Preference: The study finds that the highest-scoring third-party auto
websites employ heavy use of visual Web design elements such as edge-to-edge imagery, cleaner
spacing and aesthetically pleasing call-to-action colors.
2) Expert Reviews Must Cover the Basics: Content is king when it comes to satisfying shoppers on
third-party sites, which includes ratings and reviews. Shoppers indicate the most important
content to cover in an expert review is safety (38%), performance (24%) and functionality (11%).
3) Satisfaction Drives Loyalty and Advocacy: The study finds that 83% of highly satisfied shoppers
(overall satisfaction scores of 901 or higher) using third-party websites say they “definitely will”
Accelerator program drove a significant amount of shoppers to Chevy.com
Homepage placements accounted for 25% of the shoppers driven to Chevy.com
The rest of the campaign’s placements accounted for 75% of the clicks to Chevy.com
Mobile delivered over 79K ad activities, and the campaign overall delivered over 334k activities
Creative execution mentions:
1) New de-fogger reveal placement is highly engaging
2) New Car Tablet Experience generated large increases in shopping behavior and interactivity
3) Showroom placement allowed users to engage with new styling
4) Profile view allowed users to interact with new wheels
5) On the Homepage, shoppers were attracted to the price point
The 2016 Car Buyer Journey Study, commissioned by Cox Automotive in partnership with IHS Automotive, is intended to provide annual industry insights pertaining to how consumers shop, research, and make purchase decisions for new and used vehicles. The 2016 Car Buyer Journey Study was conducted among a random representative sample of online/offline car buyers. A total of 2,131 recent car buyers/leasers completed the survey in October 2015.